Living in the Body of Love

Thank you so much, dear readers, for your patience in these past few days that I have not posted.  On Thursday morning, I had a freak accident while making coffee that left me with first and second degree burns on my face and arm.  In light of this accident, I have so many things to be thankful for, especially my friends and family.

Since Thursday, many friends have rallied around me with their thoughts, prayers, and even some treats like cookies or trips to get frozen yogurt.  What I learned from all of this is that there are friends that “stick closer than a brother” as Proverbs 18:24 says.  In other words, there are friends that love us more than just as a family member, but that also love us as they love their own bodies.  When we feel pain, they feel pain; when we rejoice, they rejoice; etc…

Isn’t this what the Church is all about?  The Church–all believers as the body of Christ–is composed to love one another and support one another as part of one, single body.  God infuses the body with love, and with that gift of love, we are able to love Him.  Because of our love for Him, we give His love to other people: those inside and outside of the body.  As we pour ourselves out in love, He continues to refill us and infuse us with His love, and the cycle continues.  But still, everything begins and ends with God pouring out His love for us…

Have we experienced this kind of love in the Body of Christ?  Is there someone around us that may need to experience this kind of love, especially today?  Are we a friend that sticks closer than a brother? That loves our friends as we love our own body?  Have you felt the renewal of God’s replenishing love after pouring it out for someone else?  We don’t have to cling to the love that He once gave us… it was meant to be given out over and over, so that we could experience the gift of receiving His love daily, hourly, even in the strain of every minute…  Is this the love that we are giving and receiving as the Body of Christ?

Praying your day is filled with SONshine,

Sarah 🙂


You are More- Hillsong


As a writer, this whole song touches me, especially how it says, “You are more than my words could ever say.”  Wow, how true and amazing is that?  Even John admits this truth in the last verse of his account of the Gospel.

“Now there are also many other things that Jesus did.

Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” John 21:25

He certainly is more than our words could or ever can say.  He is more!

Compelled’s Leap of Faith: A New Look and Style!

Would you like to hear some exciting news?  Compelled is over a year old now!  With this being said, it’s time to take a step out into “the blogging world.”    It’s time for a new look and a new style!

While this blog will still have devotionals and testimonies of God’s work in my life and the lives of friends and family, there are so many other ways that He is present in our lives.  There are many ways in which God’s love compels us–through music, art, quotes, books, photography, cooking for others, funny stories, etc.  In this new era of my blog, these are the areas which I will explore.  As you continue to visit (please 😉 ), you’ll discover that I will be posting more regularly, too!

Thank you so much for following me and Compelled while I have been testing the waters of writing and blogging.  It’s going to be much more work now, especially while balancing work and school, but I trust that God will provide!  Now that I am diving in headfirst, I pray that you will enjoy and feel compelled by God’s love in the ripples that follow this leap of faith.  What a leap it will be!

Thanks again so much.  Always remember that God is love, and He is always good.

Praying your day is filled with Sonshine,

sweet sarah 🙂