Remembering the Reason

For the past couple of days, I’ve really been thinking about the purpose of this blog.  What are all of the posts supposed to point back to?  What theme?  What Person?

The whole purpose of this blog is to point us back to Christ and how when His love is present within, we are compelled to live our lives fully for and fully from Him.  He’s our everything, our absolute everything!

It’s so much easier to say these words rather than to live them out, isn’t it?  I’m in a dating relationship, and especially in this, I see just how easy it is to not live fully for (my complete focus on enlarging God’s Kingdom and glorifying Him) and fully from God (Him being my source of strength, encouragement, and passion).

And that scares me.  It scares me to see just how easy it is to get distracted and to forget just how much God loves us.  It scares me just how easy it is to turn away from the One that loves us the most, even when we think we are still focusing on Him.  What scares me most though, is how easy it is to forget about the cross and the new life that Christ died for in order that we may have it and live in it fully.

We have to be reminded constantly.  We must remember what 1 Peter 3:15 tells us:

“But in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy,

always being prepared to make

a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for

the hope that is in you.”

Whether it’s a necklace, a post-it note on your mirror, carrying your Bible with you, or even a small tattoo: we must be reminded of reason for the hope that we have.  That reason is Christ, and above all else, we should pray and pray that He is always, always, the Person of our true affections, the object of our praise, and the only One from which we find life.

“My son, do not forget my teaching;

but let your heart keep my commandments,

for length of days and years of life

and peace, they will be added to you.

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;

bind them around your neck;

write them on the tablet of your heart.”

Psalm 3:2-3

Attitude is everything!

Ever since I was a little girl, my mom has inspired me with many of her favorite quotes, prayers, and Bible verses.  Today, I want to write about one of her favorite quotes…

Attitude is everything!

In the past few days walking around campus–walking through each of my days–I have realized all the more just how true this quote is.  It’s easy to say flippantly, “Attitude is everything,” as if it’s the inside of a greeting card.  But to really believe these words and to see them as true through your own life…this is the critical step.

Take a college exam for an example.  There are many different ways to think about it.  With one attitude, I could say, “Urrrrrrggggghhhhhh!  An exam! Prrroooooocccccrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaassssssstionation (procrastination) has gotten me again, and I have waited too late to study.” On the other hand, I’m trying to learn to adopt this mindset:  Let’s have a competition to see just how well you know the material!  Just like a lacrosse game, see if you can practice and win!

Our attitude has just as large of an impact on our relationship with God, as well.  Every that we face temptation to sin, you can look at the situation one of many different ways.  You can see the temptation/sin as just one more guilt to sweep under the rug of emotions in your heart, or you can see it as an opportunity to ask God for grace and strength!

Always adopt an attitude that gives you a thankful heart!

Today, I encourage you to look for all the different places in your life where attitude is everything.  Look for the times in your life when becoming disappointed, upset, or even embarrassed would be easiest, but remember that Colossians 3:15 says, “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.”

Today, go out and be thankful!  Go and spread some Sonshine 🙂

“Skipping Stones”

“Let me be Your skipping stone,

Let me be the one

With whom you throw into the deep

and let Your will be done.

Let me skip along the water

and walk with faith like Peter

Let me never fear of failure but

know Your love runs deeper.

So send me out before you, God

behind Your faithful Son.

Send me out into the field

until Your battle’s won.

So throw me into the unkown,

so throw me into fear.

Throw me where I don’t want to go,

but always find You near.

Let my splash into the surface

be the end of Your great throw.

Let the ripples of my sinking

show Your presence midst the flow.

So stretch out wide and stretch our far

but never let me go.

Stretch your arm and skip more stones

‘mong Your children here below.

For You are the Great Potter,

and we are but the clay.

You are the Great Maker,

and we are what you made.

So shape us into skipping stones.

Shape us into ones,

with whom You throw into the deep

and let Your will be done.”

“Skipping Stones”

Sarah Hollinger

August 19, 2010

“A Man Fell into a Hole” Video

Even though I’ve only been up for one hour, I have already had an eventful morning!  I caught a baby lizard which you can read about on my other blog by clicking here.  🙂

What I really want to share with you this morning though, is a video that my boyfriend sent me yesterday.  The movie is called “A Man in a Hole,” and it is incredible!  I really hope that you will take the time to watch it 🙂