Prayers for Pappaw

-thankful thoughts-

Well, today I have many things for which I am thankful. After all, even the smallest beacons of hope shine brightly against a backdrop of dark circumstances.

Today I write to you on my phone from the Methodist University hospital in Memphis. My grandfather has had a stroke. After waking up to the phone call, jumping out of bed, rushing from Starkville to Grenada, MS, waiting in the hospital with my Aunt Cindy for the helicopter to airlift him, driving back to his house, packing bags at the house, driving to Memphis, and now 9 hours later and still in the ER, here I am. It’s been a long day, but there’s one thing, also, of which I’m certain: it’s been a blessed day.

Surrounded by family and friends, we have felt the presence of prayers to our Heavenly Father–the True Healer–bringing peace to our weary bodies and our anxious hearts. Yes… God is good; He is always good.

“Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

So today, especially in this hospital ER, we give thanks to the Lord for the family here, the friends that drove here to be with us, the friends at home yet with us in spirit through thoughts and prayers. Today, we are thankful for many things, especially your prayers for Pappaw.

“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1

2 thoughts on “Prayers for Pappaw

  1. I’ve been praying for all of you since I learned of Mr. Clovis’ illness earlier today. I just logged onto FB to see if there was any news. Thank you for your blog, Sarah! It is not only inspiring, but also informative for the many of us here at “home” who are praying. The Harbins’ love the Hardens’ and always have!! My prayers are for your comfort, strength, and clarity as you minister to your precious Pappaw, a wonderful, godly man who loves you so dearly. God bless you all! Love and hugs!! Patti Harbin Hernandez

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